Studio Renovation – an explanation by CAC’s Studio Manager, Nancy Meaden, of all of the changes to be made to the Ceramic Studio when it is renovated, from the CAC meeting on June 8, 2021. Included is a detailed look at a blueprint of the renovated studio space (runs 37 minutes). Video recording for our members on YouTube - LINK:
Outdoor Studio Pavilion – Patty Taylor explaining our plans for an Outdoor Studio for CAC members’ use during the time that our regular studio is closed down for renovation, also from the CAC meeting on June 8, 2021. A slideshow is presented of the area involved, which is in and next to the raku/pit fire areas, and some CAC members’ questions are answered (runs about 16 minutes). Video recording for our members on YouTube - LINK:
RAKU Glazing and Firing – a demonstration/information-sharing session presented by Raku Kiln Masters Anne Shulenberger and Patty Taylor at the CAC Meeting on May 11, 2021. This is illustrated with a slide show and short video clips and runs about 34 minutes. Video recording for our members on YouTube - LINK: